Dettagli Recensione

Seaclub Africa Jade Thalasso
Villaggi turistici in Tunisia
Voto medio 
Mare e spiaggia 


Pure io sono rientrata da tre settimane con la mia famiglia. L'hotel merita solo come design. La spiaggia pensavamo di trovarla come descritta nel catalogo Francorosso, ma solo l'acqua del mare era degna, la sabbia sporchissima. Pulizia inesistente. Il cibo non buono e nulla di ché per i piccoli bambini, monotono. Gli arabi come sempre strafottenti e in cerca solamente delle mance. La cosa assurda è che non si poteva entrare in hotel con le bottiglie di bevande acquistate al supermercato. Addirittura l'hotel aveva la security esterna per controllarci e per chiamare la polizia nel caso le vedevano acquistate.

Trovi utile questa opinione? 


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Per Ordine 
Inviato da paola
01 Giugno, 2016
dici solo cavolate forse sei rimasta delusa da altro e ti sfoghi cosi
Inviato da Dave
25 Luglio, 2019
I think that you were disappointed just because of your final experience with the bottles of Wine which is a common policy among all hotels, thus, it should be respected by all. However, the other part of the hotel review was at first exaggerated: when it comes to food, maybe the hotel should revise one or two things (even in my own experience in the hotel which was 2 weeks ago though, the food was just good neither excellent nor bad), and when it comes to the beach cleanliness you have nothing to claim, the sand was perfectly clean and well maintained. Then, the second part was utterly racist and disgraceful towards the people who have welcomed you throughout your journey, « arabs are always arrogant ... » is completely unnecessary, the same attitude from bartenders is also noticed in many African and asian countries it has never been a typical behavior of arabs.
To sum up , i think you wrote a useless review full of exaggerations, false statements and hate speech. Just a friendly morsel of advice, when you are traveling try to see the beauty of the country as it is different by its culture and history, you are there to envoy the exoticism and chill not to judge.
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